One simple practice to gain traction fast

The holiday season can be exhausting as we enter the final crunch to reach our goals and plan celebrations with our teams and family.

What's the best gift that you can give yourself? Dedicated time to pause and reflect is the greatest investment you can make for your personal and business success.

  • Allow your brain to catch up and make sound decisions.

  • Navigate the changing landscape around you with ease.

  • Build stronger connections with others that matter most to you.

  • Stop running a rat race and pave the way for your future.

How does that sound to you?

Did you know that all of these benefits are within reach? Here are 7 major areas that you can quickly boost by intentionally dedicating time to pause and reflect:

  1. Appreciate other people - Your team members, influential colleagues, family members, and friends are essential support toward our goals. Reflecting and sharing your appreciation for others accelerates trust and strengthens connections, so you can have the support you need to get you exactly where you want to go.

  2. Check your processes - Policies, procedures, and routines can become irrelevant, inefficient, and ultimately ignored if we fail to pause and reflect periodically.

  3. Realign your values - Values and beliefs stem from our experiences. Amidst all of the transitions and market shifts we have all experienced, it’s important to reflect upon how your values are changing. Understand how the changes in your values intersect and influence your decisions as well as the trajectory of your organization.

  4. Refine your leadership style - Let’s face it: We’re human and do no always handle all situations in the way we desire. Pausing and reflecting on our leadership style can help us to identify areas in which we excel and that we can use to our advantage as well as areas we want to work on to get a better outcome.

  5. Evaluate your rewards systems - Our personal and organizational reward systems can easily become out-of-whack and stop being beneficial when the pressure around us changes. Pausing and reflecting can help us to adjust our systems and create priorities for what we really want out of life and our businesses.

  6. Learn from the past - If we fail to pause and reflect on the past, we miss out on the opportunity to take something from it to make our future better.

  7. Create focus around your efforts - When we jump from one thing to the next, we may find our physical, mental, and emotional capacity or presence becomes scattered. Pausing and reflecting creates focus for us to be wholly present and engaged in the tasks at hand, during meetings, and during crucial interactions with others.

Did any of these areas resonate with you? It’s time to take a breath. Pause and reflect, so you can move forward with ease.

Perhaps you’re wondering what it looks like to pause and reflect. Good news - I have several opportunities for you to join me as I share the steps for this life-changing practice. Connect with me on social medial, and be on the lookout for my Pause & Reflect for Momentum worksheet which can be used for all of the scenarios listed above.


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