Want momentum? Build Resilience.

Are you eager to see yourself making progress (strides please!), and yet you find yourself experiencing setback after setback? Are you feeling defeated or like you are lost in the wilderness somewhere? Why is it so stinking hard to build momentum toward your dream?

Well, let’s start by answering the following question first: What’s your method for overcoming obstacles, setbacks, and other unexpected experiences that try to knock you off course in achieving your dream?

I see it all the time through the assessments I provide and as I start coaching new clients - Individuals come to me, frustrated with the progress they have tried to make on their own, and inevitably we discover that they have not incorporated an important ingredient to stay the course. What is that ingredient? Resilience. They need to have a go-to method or protocol to stay on track. An appropriate method involves more than a checklist of things to do as they interact with the world round them. It also includes techniques for addressing internal setbacks as well.

That’s right - there’s nothing that will stop you in your tracks more quickly than the face of criticism in the mirror or that Negative Nancy running through your head when you experience undesirable circumstances.

What a loser! You’ll never make it or be good enough.

What is everyone else going to think?

You’re not smart enough, and you don’t have the skills it takes to get there.

How could you make that mistake?

How could you miss that opportunity?

Don’t forget that your approach did not work the last time, so chances are you’re going to fail again.

Why try? You’ll only be rejected.

Do these sound familiar? Or, perhaps you find yourself frequently picking up the pieces after you reacted to circumstances while emotionally charged. Consider how much time and progress it takes away from your dream as you beat yourself up or dwell on setbacks. Hours? Days?

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It’s time to nip these internal distractors in the butt. You may need to reassess your method for dealing with setbacks to ensure your action plan also includes internal components.

At the end of the day, resilience means that you can stretch and bounce back as needed when faced with situations - without breaking. The good news is that there are many ways to build your skills in this area. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can become more resilient, you don’t have to go it alone. Let’s connect: Follow me on social media. Sign up for my free monthly webinars. You can also schedule a quick 20-minute chat with me without obligation, so you can discover relevant solutions for your situation.


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